Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm so pretty

My foster family wakes up entirely too early. They woke me at 6:30. I think 8:00 is reasonable. I do need my beauty sleep.

Speaking of that, Foster Mom says I need to let you know how beautiful I am.

I know all greyhounds are beautiful, but I am especially pretty. I am an average size for a female. You won’t have to worry about me being too big, but you won’t mistake me for a Yorkie either.

Folks say I have a super beautiful head. It is small and delicate. My nose is narrow and darker than my face. I have the perfect amount of eyeliner. I don’t want to look trashy. My make-up is classy and gorgeous.

I have the softest ears in the world. I have taught them to do at least 15 tricks more than other hounds. I try not to make other hounds feel bad about my skills, but I would like show you all of my ear tricks.

I do have a few scars from my racing career. I was a very good racer and I put my all into it. Foster Mom says I have beauty marks, not scars. I’m sort of like Marie Antoinette that way. There is a beauty mark over one eye that makes folks look deep into my eyes and see my sweet soul. You’ll see when you meet me.

Oops. I almost forgot. I have a tail that has hair all the way down. Yes, it is a long, smooth swoop of fawn. Elegant and stunning just like the rest of me. And, I have hair on my bum! I am not saying anything bad about hairless bums. Lots of folks think bare bums show off muscles more. I’m just saying I have soft hair on mine.

I am not stuck up. Please remember that Foster Mom made me write this. Of course, it is easy to write when you are as spectacular as I am…..

Well, it’s 10:30 a.m. and I need my third nap of the day.

Waiting on my forever home, Blessing


Ginny said...

Hey, my Sweet Blessing. Doc and Elsie and I miss you, but we're glad you're doing well in your new foster home. You are indeed a pretty girl and will make some lucky family very happy. They will love you forever - that's why they call it a forever home.