Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm learning so much!

Hey, it's me - Blessing. I've been hanging out with my greyhound buddies, Doc and Elsie, lately. I just stopped by to tell you how much I've learned. Most important - if I don't try to shove my friends out of the way and wait my turn, I get lots of treats and the people smile at me. I used to be kinda pushy because I didn't know the rules. I've got it now - wait nicely and good things happen.

The same goes for breakfast and dinner time. I still like to celebrate when food is served - who wouldn't? So I dance a little bit. But I know which dish is mine, and I know how to wait until that lady tells me OK - then I go eat. And I love to eat.

I'll stop by soon and update you again. Gotta run now - Doc and Elsie are waiting for me to go for a ride.